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Close encounters with MERCURIUS integrator (C)

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This example integrates a densely packed planetary system which becomes unstable on a timescale of only a few orbits. This is a test case for the MERCURIUS integrator.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "rebound.h"

void heartbeat(struct reb_simulation* r);

double e_init; // initial energy

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
    struct reb_simulation* r = reb_simulation_create();

    // Start the visualization web server.
    // Point your browser to http://localhost:1234
    reb_simulation_start_server(r, 1234);

    r->dt = 0.0012*2.*M_PI;
    r->integrator = REB_INTEGRATOR_MERCURIUS;
    r->ri_mercurius.r_crit_hill = 3;            // By default the switching radius is three times the hill radius
    r->heartbeat = heartbeat;

    struct reb_particle star = {0};
    star.m = 1;
    reb_simulation_add(r, star);

    // Add planets
    int N_planets = 3;
    for (int i=0;i<N_planets;i++){
        double a = 1.+.1*(double)i;        // semi major axis
        double v = sqrt(1./a);             // velocity (circular orbit)
        struct reb_particle planet = {0};
        planet.m = 2e-3;
        planet.x = a;
        planet.vy = v;
        reb_simulation_add(r, planet);
    reb_simulation_move_to_com(r);                // This makes sure the planetary systems stays within the computational domain and doesn't drift.
    e_init = reb_simulation_energy(r);

    reb_simulation_integrate(r, INFINITY);

void heartbeat(struct reb_simulation* r){
    if (reb_simulation_output_check(r, 10.*2.*M_PI)){
        reb_simulation_output_timing(r, 0);
    if (reb_simulation_output_check(r, 2.*M_PI)){
        // Once per year, output the relative energy error to a text file
        FILE* f = fopen("energy.txt","ab");
        double e = reb_simulation_energy(r);
        fprintf(f,"%e %e\n",r->t, fabs((e-e_init)/e_init));

This example is located in the directory examples/closeencounter_hybrid