Using rotations in REBOUND (C)
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A simple example showing how to use the built-in rotations framework in REBOUND. See also Rotations.ipynb for more details
#include "rebound.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// REBOUND provides a reb_rotation struct.
// Internally, it is implemented using quaternions but
// you don't need to understand how quaternions work!
// Simply put: this struct can rotate a vector or an
// entire simulation.
// The following example rotates the vector v around the
// x axis by 90 degrees:
struct reb_vec3d axis = {.x = 1, .y = 0, .z = 0};
struct reb_rotation r1 = reb_rotation_init_angle_axis(M_PI/2.0, axis);
struct reb_vec3d v = {.x = 1, .y = 2, .z = 3};
struct reb_vec3d v_rotated = reb_vec3d_rotate(v, r1);
printf("v_rotated = %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", v_rotated.x, v_rotated.y, v_rotated.z);
// You can rotate a particle (its position and velocity)
struct reb_particle p = {.m=1, .x=1, .vy=1};
reb_particle_irotate(&p, r1); // irotate means rotate in place
// You can also rotate all the particles in a simulation:
struct reb_simulation* r = reb_simulation_create();
reb_simulation_add_fmt(r, "m", 1.); // Central object
reb_simulation_add_fmt(r, "m a e", 1e-3, 1., 0.1); // Jupiter mass planet
reb_simulation_irotate(r, r1);
// You can chain rotations by multiplying them together.
// Note that the order of rotations matters, just like
// the order matters when multiplying together two matricies.
struct reb_vec3d axis_y = {.y = 1,};
struct reb_rotation r2 = reb_rotation_init_angle_axis(M_PI/2.0, axis_y);
struct reb_rotation r_combined = reb_rotation_mul(r2, r1);
v_rotated = reb_vec3d_rotate(v, r_combined); // equal to applying r1 first, then r2
// You can easily calculate the inverse of rotations.
struct reb_rotation r_inverse = reb_rotation_inverse(r_combined);
v_rotated = reb_vec3d_rotate(v, r_inverse);
// For celestial mechanics, we provide a special init method that
// uses the ascending node, inclination and longitude of periastron.
// Applying this method to an orbit in the xy plane with the
// pericenter on the x axis gives the same result as initializing an
// particle with orbital parameters the "normal way".
double Omega = 0.12;
double inc = 0.223;
double omega = 0.345;
struct reb_rotation r_orbit = reb_rotation_init_orbit(Omega, inc, omega);
r = reb_simulation_create();
reb_simulation_add_fmt(r, "m", 1.); // Central object
reb_simulation_add_fmt(r, "a e", 1., 0.001); // orbit in the xy plane
reb_simulation_add_fmt(r, "a e Omega inc omega ", 1., 0.001, Omega, inc, omega); // 3d orbit
reb_particle_irotate(&r->particles[1], r_orbit);
printf("particle[1] = %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", r->particles[1].x, r->particles[1].y, r->particles[1].z, r->particles[1].vx, r->particles[1].vy, r->particles[1].vz);
printf("particle[2] = %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", r->particles[2].x, r->particles[2].y, r->particles[2].z, r->particles[2].vx, r->particles[2].vy, r->particles[2].vz);
// REBOUND also comes with a built-in constructor that generates a rotation
// which rotates a given vector to a new vector. For example:
struct reb_vec3d v1 = {.x = 1, .y = 0, .z = 0};
struct reb_vec3d v2 = {.x = 4, .y = 5, .z = 6};
struct reb_rotation r3 = reb_rotation_init_from_to(v1, v2);
v_rotated = reb_vec3d_rotate(v1, r3);
v2 = reb_vec3d_normalize(v2); // for easy comparison
printf("v2 = %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", v2.x, v2.y, v2.z);
printf("v_rotated = %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", v_rotated.x, v_rotated.y, v_rotated.z);
This example is located in the directory examples/rotations