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Profiling the shearing sheet example (C)

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This example demonstrates how to use the profiling tool that comes with REBOUND to find out which parts of your code are slow. To turn on this option, simple set PROFILING=1 in the Makefile. Make sure to run make clean before compiling this example. Note that enabeling this option makes REBOUND not thread-safe.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "rebound.h"

double coefficient_of_restitution_bridges(const struct reb_simulation* const r, double v);
void heartbeat(struct reb_simulation* const r);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    struct reb_simulation* r = reb_simulation_create();

    // Setup constants
    r->opening_angle2    = .5; // This determines the precission of the tree code gravity calculation.
    r->integrator        = REB_INTEGRATOR_SEI;
    r->boundary          = REB_BOUNDARY_SHEAR;
    r->gravity           = REB_GRAVITY_TREE;
    r->collision         = REB_COLLISION_TREE;
    r->collision_resolve = reb_collision_resolve_hardsphere;
    double OMEGA         = 0.00013143527;            // 1/s
    r->ri_sei.OMEGA      = OMEGA;
    r->G                 = 6.67428e-11;              // N / (1e-5 kg)^2 m^2
    r->softening         = 0.1;                      // m
    r->dt                = 1e-3 * 2. * M_PI / OMEGA; // s
    r->heartbeat         = heartbeat;                // function pointer for heartbeat
    // This example uses two root boxes in the x and y direction.
    // Although not necessary in this case, it allows for the parallelization using MPI.
    // See Rein & Liu for a description of what a root box is in this context.
    double surfacedensity = 400;    // kg/m^2
    double particle_density = 400;  // kg/m^3
    double particle_radius_min = 1; // m
    double particle_radius_max = 4; // m
    double particle_radius_slope = -3;
    double boxsize = 100; // m
    if (argc > 1) {       // Try to read boxsize from command line
        boxsize = atof(argv[1]);
    reb_simulation_configure_box(r, boxsize, 2, 2, 1);
    r->N_ghost_x = 2;
    r->N_ghost_y = 2;
    r->N_ghost_z = 0;

    // Initial conditions
    printf("Toomre wavelength: %f\n", 4. * M_PI * M_PI * surfacedensity / OMEGA / OMEGA * r->G);
    // Use Bridges et al coefficient of restitution.
    r->coefficient_of_restitution = coefficient_of_restitution_bridges;
    // When two particles collide and the relative velocity is zero, the might sink into each other in the next time step.
    // By adding a small repulsive velocity to each collision, we prevent this from happening.
    r->minimum_collision_velocity = particle_radius_min * OMEGA * 0.001; // small fraction of the shear accross a particle

    // Add all ring paricles
    double total_mass = surfacedensity * r->boxsize.x * r->boxsize.y;
    double mass = 0;
    while (mass < total_mass) {
        struct reb_particle pt = {0};
        pt.x = reb_random_uniform(r, -r->boxsize.x / 2., r->boxsize.x / 2.);
        pt.y = reb_random_uniform(r, -r->boxsize.y / 2., r->boxsize.y / 2.);
        pt.z = reb_random_normal(r, 1.); // m
        pt.vy = -1.5 * pt.x * OMEGA;
        double radius = reb_random_powerlaw(r, particle_radius_min, particle_radius_max, particle_radius_slope);
        pt.r = radius; // m
        double particle_mass = particle_density * 4. / 3. * M_PI * radius * radius * radius;
        pt.m = particle_mass; // kg
        reb_simulation_add(r, pt);
        mass += particle_mass;
    reb_simulation_integrate(r, INFINITY);

// This example is using a custom velocity dependend coefficient of restitution
double coefficient_of_restitution_bridges(const struct reb_simulation* const r, double v) {
    // assumes v in units of [m/s]
    double eps = 0.32 * pow(fabs(v) * 100., -0.234);
    if (eps > 1)
        eps = 1;
    if (eps < 0)
        eps = 0;
    return eps;

void heartbeat(struct reb_simulation* const r) {
    if (reb_simulation_output_check(r, 1e-3 * 2. * M_PI / r->ri_sei.OMEGA)) {
        reb_simulation_output_timing(r, 0);
    if (reb_simulation_output_check(r, 2. * M_PI / r->ri_sei.OMEGA)) {

This example is located in the directory examples/profiling