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Thermal Hysteresis (C)

Try it out this example!

REBOUND has been compiled with emscripten to WebAssembly. This lets you run this example interactively from within your browser at almost native speed. No installation is required. Click here to try it out.

This example can be used as a starting point to reproduce the results of Larue, Latter, and Rein (2022).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "rebound.h"

// Structure to store simulation parameters and output data
// Having this structure and setting it as r->extras allows
// us to avoid having any global variables.
struct collisions_log {
    int Nslices;
    int Nsamples;   // Samples to avergae over (since last output)
    double lastsample;
    double twarmup;
    int isHot;      // Used during warmup
    double tau;
    double* plog;
    double* Elog;
    long* Nlog;
    double* T;
    double* qNL;
    double* qL;
    double* nuT;
    double* nuC;

// The "realistic" coefficient of restitution. See Eq (2). Contains code for warmup.
double eps_realistic(const struct reb_simulation* const r, double v, double x){
    struct collisions_log* log = (struct collisions_log* )r->extras;
    v = fabs(v);
    double vc = 5.;
    double offset = 0;
    if (v<vc){
        return offset;
    double b = 1;
    double _x = (v-vc)/b;
    double epsmax = 0.923;
    double eps = offset+epsmax*1.624*_x/(1.+pow(_x,1.234));
    if (r->t<log->twarmup){
        if (!log->isHot){
            eps *= r->t/log->twarmup;
    if (eps>1) eps=1;
    if (eps<0) eps=0;
    return eps;

// A custom collision resolve routine. Needed because coefficient of resitution
// depends on position and because of extra logging.
int collision_resolve(struct reb_simulation* const r, struct reb_collision c){
    struct reb_particle* const particles = r->particles;
    struct reb_particle p1 = particles[c.p1];
    struct reb_particle p2 = particles[c.p2];
    struct reb_vec6d gb =;
    double x21  = p1.x + gb.x  - p2.x;
    double y21  = p1.y + gb.y  - p2.y;
    double z21  = p1.z + gb.z  - p2.z;
    double rp   = p1.r+p2.r;
    double oldvyouter;
    struct reb_particle old1 = p1;
    struct reb_particle old2 = p2;
    if (x21>0){
        oldvyouter = p1.vy;
        oldvyouter = p2.vy;
    if (rp*rp < x21*x21 + y21*y21 + z21*z21) return 0;
    double vx21 = p1.vx + gb.vx - p2.vx;
    double vy21 = p1.vy + gb.vy - p2.vy;
    double vz21 = p1.vz + gb.vz - p2.vz;
    if (vx21*x21 + vy21*y21 + vz21*z21 >0) return 0; // not approaching
    // Bring the to balls in the xy plane.
    double theta = atan2(z21,y21);
    double stheta = sin(theta);
    double ctheta = cos(theta);
    double vy21n = ctheta * vy21 + stheta * vz21;
    double y21n = ctheta * y21 + stheta * z21;

    // Bring the two balls onto the positive x axis.
    double phi = atan2(y21n,x21);
    double cphi = cos(phi);
    double sphi = sin(phi);
    double vx21nn = cphi * vx21  + sphi * vy21n;

    // Determine coefficient of restitution
    double eps = eps_realistic(r, vx21nn, (p1.x + gb.x  + p2.x)/2.);

    double dvx2 = -(1.0+eps)*vx21nn;
    double minr = (p1.r>p2.r)?p2.r:p1.r;
    double maxr = (p1.r<p2.r)?p2.r:p1.r;
    double mindv= minr*r->minimum_collision_velocity;
    double _r = sqrt(x21*x21 + y21*y21 + z21*z21);
    mindv *= 1.-(_r - maxr)/minr;
    if (mindv>maxr*r->minimum_collision_velocity)mindv = maxr*r->minimum_collision_velocity;
    if (dvx2<mindv) dvx2 = mindv;
    // Now we are rotating backwards
    double dvx2n = cphi * dvx2;
    double dvy2n = sphi * dvx2;
    double dvy2nn = ctheta * dvy2n;
    double dvz2nn = stheta * dvy2n;

    // Applying the changes to the particles.
    const double p2pf = p1.m/(p1.m+p2.m);
    particles[c.p2].vx -=   p2pf*dvx2n;
    particles[c.p2].vy -=   p2pf*dvy2nn;
    particles[c.p2].vz -=   p2pf*dvz2nn;
    particles[c.p2].last_collision = r->t;
    const double p1pf = p2.m/(p1.m+p2.m);
    particles[c.p1].vx +=   p1pf*dvx2n;
    particles[c.p1].vy +=   p1pf*dvy2nn;
    particles[c.p1].vz +=   p1pf*dvz2nn;
    particles[c.p1].last_collision = r->t;

    struct reb_particle new1 = particles[c.p1];
    struct reb_particle new2 = particles[c.p2];
    new1.vy += 1.5*r->ri_sei.OMEGA*new1.x;
    new2.vy += 1.5*r->ri_sei.OMEGA*new2.x;
    old1.vy += 1.5*r->ri_sei.OMEGA*old1.x;
    old2.vy += 1.5*r->ri_sei.OMEGA*old2.x;

    // Logging
    struct collisions_log* log = (struct collisions_log* )r->extras;
    double xmid = (p1.x+p2.x)/2.;
    int i = ((int)floor((xmid/r->boxsize.x+0.5)*log->Nslices))%log->Nslices;
    double E1 = 0.5*(old1.vx*old1.vx + old1.vy*old1.vy  + old1.vz*old1.vz);
    double E2 = 0.5*(old2.vx*old2.vx + old2.vy*old2.vy  + old2.vz*old2.vz);
    double E1p = 0.5*(new1.vx*new1.vx + new1.vy*new1.vy  + new1.vz*new1.vz);
    double E2p = 0.5*(new2.vx*new2.vx + new2.vy*new2.vy  + new2.vz*new2.vz);
    double E1s = E1 - 0.5*(E1+E2);
    double E2s = E2 - 0.5*(E1+E2);
    double E1sp = E1p - 0.5*(E1p+E2p);
    double E2sp = E2p - 0.5*(E1p+E2p);
    double dE1s = E1sp - E1s;
    double dE2s = E2sp - E2s;
    if (x21>0){
        log->Elog[i] += fabs(x21)*dE1s;
        log->plog[i] += -fabs(x21)*(oldvyouter-particles[c.p1].vy) * p1.m;
        log->Elog[i] += fabs(x21)*dE2s;
        log->plog[i] += -fabs(x21)*(oldvyouter-particles[c.p2].vy) * p2.m;
    return 0;

double midplane_fillingfactor(const struct reb_simulation* const r){
    double area = 0.;
    for (int i=0;i<r->N;i++){
        struct reb_particle p = r->particles[i];
        double R2 = p.r*p.r-p.z*p.z;
        if (R2>0.){
            area += M_PI*R2;
    return area/(r->boxsize.x*r->boxsize.y);

struct reb_vec3d velocity_dispersion(const struct reb_simulation* const r, double xmin, double xmax){
    // Algorithm with reduced roundoff errors (see wikipedia)
    struct reb_vec3d A = {.x=0, .y=0, .z=0};
    struct reb_vec3d W = {.x=0, .y=0, .z=0};
    int Ncounted = 0;
    for (int i=0;i<r->N;i++){
        struct reb_vec3d Aim1 = A;
        struct reb_particle p = r->particles[i];
        if (p.x>xmin && p.x<xmax){
            A.x = A.x + (p.vx-A.x)/(double)(Ncounted+1);
            A.y = A.y + (p.vy+1.5*r->ri_sei.OMEGA*p.x-A.y)/(double)(Ncounted+1);
            A.z = A.z + (p.vz-A.z)/(double)(Ncounted+1);
            W.x = W.x + (p.vx-Aim1.x)*(p.vx-A.x);
            W.y = W.y + (p.vy+1.5*r->ri_sei.OMEGA*p.x-Aim1.y)*(p.vy+1.5*r->ri_sei.OMEGA*p.x-A.y);
            W.z = W.z + (p.vz-Aim1.z)*(p.vz-A.z);
    W.x = sqrt(W.x/(double)Ncounted);
    W.y = sqrt(W.y/(double)Ncounted);
    W.z = sqrt(W.z/(double)Ncounted);

    // Return velocity dispersion in xx, yy, zz
    return W;

void heartbeat(struct reb_simulation* const r){
    if (reb_simulation_output_check(r, 1e-3*2.*M_PI/r->ri_sei.OMEGA)){
        reb_simulation_output_timing(r, 0);
    struct collisions_log* log = (struct collisions_log* )r->extras;

    // Calculate quantities for each slice
    int Nslices = log->Nslices;
    for (int i=0;i<Nslices;i++){
        double xmin = -r->boxsize.x/2. + r->boxsize.x * i /Nslices;
        double xmax = xmin + r->boxsize.x /Nslices;
        double sigma = 1./((xmax - xmin) * r->boxsize.y);
        struct reb_vec3d W = velocity_dispersion(r,xmin,xmax);
        double _T = 1./3.*(W.x*W.x+ W.y*W.y+ W.z*W.z)/(r->ri_sei.OMEGA*r->ri_sei.OMEGA);
        log->T[i] += _T;

        // qL
        double u_x = 0;
        double u_y = 0;
        double u_z = 0;
        double Wxy = 0;
        int _N=0;
        for (int j=0;j<r->N;j++){
            struct reb_particle p = r->particles[j];
            if (p.x>xmin && p.x<xmax){
                double vx = p.vx;
                double vy = p.vy+1.5*r->ri_sei.OMEGA*p.x;
                double vz = p.vz;
                u_x += vx;
                u_y += vy;
                u_z += vz;
                Wxy += vx*vy;
                _N ++;
        sigma *= _N;
        u_x /= _N;
        u_y /= _N;
        u_z /= _N;
        Wxy /= _N;
        double _qL=0;
        for (int j=0;j<r->N;j++){
            struct reb_particle p = r->particles[j];
            if (p.x>xmin && p.x<xmax){
                double cx = p.vx - u_x;
                double cy = p.vy+1.5*r->ri_sei.OMEGA*p.x - u_y;
                double cz = p.vz - u_z;
                double c2 = cx*cx + cy*cy + cz*cz;
                _qL += 0.5*c2*cx;
        log->qL[i] += sigma * _qL / _N;

        // qNL
        double dt = r->t-log->lastsample;
        if (dt>0.5e-4*2.*M_PI/r->ri_sei.OMEGA){
            log->qNL[i] += sigma*log->Elog[i] /(dt*_N);
        log->Elog[i] = 0;

        // nuT
        log->nuT[i] += 2./3. * Wxy / r->ri_sei.OMEGA;

        // nuC
        if (dt>0.5e-4*2.*M_PI/r->ri_sei.OMEGA){
            log->nuC[i] += 2.*log->plog[i] /(3.0*r->ri_sei.OMEGA*_N*dt);
        log->plog[i] = 0;

    log->lastsample = r->t;
    log->Nsamples ++;

    // Save output 10 times per orbit
    if (reb_simulation_output_check(r,0.1*2.*M_PI/r->ri_sei.OMEGA)){
        char buf[256];
        FILE* f = fopen(buf,"a+");
        fprintf(f, "%5.3f\t",r->t/(2.*M_PI/r->ri_sei.OMEGA));     // 0
        double FF = midplane_fillingfactor(r);
        fprintf(f, "%5.7f\t",FF);                                 // 1

        for (int i=0;i<Nslices;i++){
            fprintf(f, "%5.3f\t", log->T[i]/log->Nsamples);       // 2  (c^2)
            fprintf(f, "%5.3f\t", log->qL[i]/log->Nsamples);      // 3
            fprintf(f, "%5.3f\t", log->qNL[i]/log->Nsamples);     // 4
            fprintf(f, "%5.3f\t", log->nuT[i]/log->Nsamples);     // 5
            fprintf(f, "%5.3f\t", log->nuC[i]/log->Nsamples);     // 6
            log->T[i] = 0;
            log->qL[i] = 0;
            log->qNL[i] = 0;
            log->nuT[i] = 0;
            log->nuC[i] = 0;
        log->Nsamples = 0;
        fprintf(f, "\n");

    // On screen update every 10 orbit
    if (reb_simulation_output_check(r,10.*2.*M_PI/r->ri_sei.OMEGA)){
        printf("tau = %.3f\t t = %.2f\n", log->tau, r->t/(2.*M_PI/r->ri_sei.OMEGA));

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    struct reb_simulation* r = reb_simulation_create();

    // Starting the REBOUND visualization server. This
    // allows you to visualize the simulation by pointing
    // your web browser to http://localhost:1234
    reb_simulation_start_server(r, 1234);

    const double OMEGA    = 1;
    r->opening_angle2     = .5;
    r->integrator         = REB_INTEGRATOR_SEI;
    r->boundary           = REB_BOUNDARY_SHEAR;
    r->gravity            = REB_GRAVITY_NONE;
    r->collision          = REB_COLLISION_LINETREE;
    r->collision_resolve  = collision_resolve;
    r->ri_sei.OMEGA       = OMEGA;
    r->ri_sei.OMEGAZ      = OMEGA;
    r->dt                 = 1e-2*2.*M_PI/OMEGA;
    r->heartbeat          = heartbeat;
    double boxsize        = 200;
    reb_simulation_configure_box(r, boxsize, 8, 1, 1);
    r->N_ghost_x = 1;
    r->N_ghost_y = 1;
    r->N_ghost_z = 0;

    r->minimum_collision_velocity = OMEGA*0.001;  // small fraction of the shear accross a particle

    // Setup memory for logging.
    struct collisions_log* log= malloc(sizeof(struct collisions_log));

    // Read in command line arguments to overwrite defaults: tau, hot, tmax
    log->tau = 0.1;
    if (argc>1){
        log->tau = atof(argv[1]);
    log->isHot = 0;
    if (argc>2){
        log->isHot = atoi(argv[2]);
    double tmax = 200;  // in orbits
    if (argc>3){
        tmax = atof(argv[3]);

    // Add all ring paricles
    double area = 0.;
    while (log->tau> area/(r->boxsize.x*r->boxsize.y)){
        struct reb_particle pt = {0};
        double fac = 1;
        pt.x     = reb_random_uniform(r, -r->boxsize.x/2.,r->boxsize.x/2.);
        if (log->isHot && pt.x > 0){
            fac = 20;
        pt.y     = reb_random_uniform(r, -r->boxsize.y/2.,r->boxsize.y/2.);
        pt.vx    = fac*reb_random_normal(r, 1.)*OMEGA;
        pt.vy    = -1.5*pt.x*OMEGA+fac*reb_random_normal(r, 1.)*OMEGA;
        double a = fac*0.1*reb_random_normal(r, 1.)*OMEGA;
        double f = reb_random_uniform(r, 0,2.*M_PI);
        pt.z     = a*cos(f);
        pt.vz    = -a*sin(f);
        pt.r     = 1.;
        pt.m     = 1.;
        reb_simulation_add(r, pt);
        area += M_PI*pt.r*pt.r;

    r->extras = log;
    log->Nslices = 1;
    log->lastsample = 0;
    log->Nsamples = 0;
    log->twarmup = 20 * 2.*M_PI/OMEGA;
    log->T = malloc(sizeof(double)*log->Nslices);
    log->qNL = malloc(sizeof(double)*log->Nslices);
    log->qL = malloc(sizeof(double)*log->Nslices);
    log->nuT = malloc(sizeof(double)*log->Nslices);
    log->nuC= malloc(sizeof(double)*log->Nslices);
    log->plog = malloc(sizeof(double)*log->Nslices);
    log->Elog = malloc(sizeof(double)*log->Nslices);
    log->Nlog = malloc(sizeof(long)*log->Nslices);
    for (int i=0;i<log->Nslices;i++){
        log->T[i] = 0;
        log->qNL[i] = 0;
        log->qL[i] = 0;
        log->nuT[i] = 0;
        log->nuC[i] = 0;
        log->plog[i] = 0;
        log->Elog[i] = 0;
        log->Nlog[i] = 0;

    // Prepare output directories
    char buf[256];
    sprintf(buf,"rm -fr out_tau%.1f_hot%d",log->tau,log->isHot);
    sprintf(buf,"mkdir out_tau%.1f_hot%d",log->tau,log->isHot);

    // Integrate
    reb_simulation_integrate(r, tmax*2.*M_PI/OMEGA);

    // Final output
    reb_simulation_output_ascii(r, buf);

    // Cleanup


This example is located in the directory examples/thermalhysteresis